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French Drains

Many of the phone calls we get are usually around issues with surface water and grading issues. What we mean by that is that the grading of the surface is not correct and it causes water to flow to incorrect areas and/or causes ponding. Many of these issues can be fixed easily so water would naturally flow away from your home.


The picture to the right is an example of a large drainage system done for a Home Owner’s Association. The basic “drainage swale” idea is adhered to but in this case, it was necessary to use larger aggregate stones to keep turf from washing in this high-volume area.


Below is an example of our standard 9″ emitter box with a screw-top lid. This allows the 4″ supply pipe to easily flow out and any debris that might be in the system to accumulate in a large volume box. We drill small holes in the bottom of the box to allow rainwater in the drainage system to slowly drain out during dry summer months to prevent mosquito breeding.

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